Full Body Improv Mash-Up DEPOSIT or FULL PAYMENT

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Full Body Improv Mash-up.png

Full Body Improv Mash-Up DEPOSIT or FULL PAYMENT

from CA$100.00

Full Body Improv Mash-up

Weekend Workshop with Lori Triolo & Veena Sood

20 hours

Free your body, voice and imagination.

Spend a weekend exploring your spontaneity and accessing impulses in improvisational work. This 20-hour workshop will include training in FitzMeisner (Fitzmaurice Voicework® & The Meisner Technique) with Lori Triolo, improvisation with Veena Sood, and contact improv with Katherine Wortley.  Treat yourself to a 3-day experience in The Art of Awareness, following feelings, freeing the body and mind, and using the imagination.

Open to both new students (pending a phone interview) and returning students looking for a refresher.

If you are a new student, a phone interview with Lori is required before registering - please contact: info@loritriolo.com to arrange an interview time before registering.

Sliding Scale $300 - $500

Select an amount within the sliding scale to suit your financial situation.

Or select the $100 non-refundable deposit option.  *The remainder of your payment is due by the class date.  Click here to make your second payment or bring cash on the first day.

Deposit or Full Payment on Sliding Scale:
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